Engineering Transactions, 48, 4, pp. 395–403, 2000

The Full Systems Method in Dynamics Problems of 3d Bodies

E.I. Bespalova
Institute of Mechanics of The National Academy of Sciences

A.B. Kytaygorodsky
Institute of Mechanics of The National Academy of Sciences

A new method is proposed to solve the problems of stationary dynamics for inhomogeneous anisotropic 3D bodies of finite sizes with arbitrary conditions on bounding surfaces. It is the reduction of the initial three-dimensional boundary problem to the system of three correlated one-dimensional boundary-value problems. Thus the increase of the number of independent variables results in the linear (but not exponential!) increase of the required computer resources. This determines the method efficiency when solving multidimensional problems. Several examples of solution for particular problems of mechanics of deformed bodies are presented.
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DOI: 10.24423/engtrans.582.2000