Engineering Transactions, 8, 3, pp. 413-420, 1960

Filtracja Cieczy w Złożu ze Szczeliną Poziomą

K. Salwa
Pracownia Filtracji Zakładu Mechaniki Cieczy i Gazów Pan

H. Walden
Pracownia Filtracji Zakładu Mechaniki Cieczy i Gazów Pan

The problem of symmetric filtration in a horizontal slot is considered. The computation of the rate of the outflow from the slot is reduced to the solution of LAPLACE'S equation with mixed boundary conditions. Using Hankel's integral transformation, solution is obtained in the form of a series in the roots of the BESSEL function. To verify experimentally the result, a number of measurements of pressure and flow rate have been performed on a filtration model. A confrontation of the theoretical and experimental results shows a discrepancy of 1,4 to 39% which is admissible for filtration problems.

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Copyright © Polish Academy of Sciences & Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN).


C.J. TRANTER, Integral Transforms in Mathematical Physics (tłum. na jez. ros.), Moskwa 1956.

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