Engineering Transactions, 9, 4, pp. 759-767, 1961

Własności Materiałów przy Gięciu Walcowym

J. Klepaczko
Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN

J. Litoński
Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN

Experimental curves are presented for bending of sheet aluminium, brass and steel of several types. The knowledge of these curves enables a simple determination of forces, moments and strain work and also the form of the bent element and other quantities connected with bending processes, [1].
For a given material, these curves represent the relation between the ratio of the bending moment to the section index and the ratio of the half-thickness of the sheet metal to the curvature radius and the relation between the ratio of the area below this curve to the area of the rectangle with sides M/W and g/o, where M denotes the bending moment, w the section modulus, g the thickness, g radius of curvature and the ratio of the half-thickness to the curvature radius. Two test methods were used. In the first, the test-piece (of sheet metal) was loaded with the bending moment in a special device, in the second it was bent on about a form block. The bending curves obtained by the first and the second method coincide within the limits of the measurement error.

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Z. MARCINIAK, O uwzględnieniu własności materiału przy gięciu blach, Obróbka Plastyczna Tom 1, Z. 2