Z Zagadnień Technicznej Teorii Nośności Granicznej Płyt o Mieszanych Warunkach Brzegowych
The models were 100 X 65, 100 x 100 and 100 x 135 cm plates 3,5 cm thick and were uniformly loaded by pressure. The investigations concerned five support conditions. For the 71 plates tested it has been found that the ratios of the values of the theoretical limit loads to those obtained by
means of the yield line theory are contained within the limits 1,17 < qexp./qqteor. < 1,27. It follows that the kinematic approach in the limit analysis leads to safe loads as compared with the experimental ones. This conclusion is essential for the application of the yield line theory to practical problems.
W. OLSZAK, A. SAWCZUK, Teoria nośności granicznej płyt w świetle weryfikacji doświadczalnej, Rozpr. Inzyn., 3 (1955).
[in Russian]
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[in Russian]
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