Engineering Transactions, 27, 1, pp. 53-68, 1979

The Post-Buckling State of a Multilayered Shell in a Form of a Cylinder Sector Subjected to an Unidirectional Compression and Simultaneous Shear

W. Walczak
Technical University of Łódź, Institute of Applied Mechanics

N.X. Luu
Technical University of Łódź, Institute of Applied Mechanics

In the paper are presented the results of theoretical analysis of post-buckling state of a thin­walled, elastic, multilayered shell in a form of a cylindrical sector, subjected to the action of unidirectional compression and simultaneous shear. The shell consists of orthotropic layers and has a symmetric structure. The problem is solved approximately on the basis of the non-linear version of the anisotropic shell theory given by S. A. Ambarcumian, The detailed numerical computations are made for a shell consisting of five orthotropic layers, and results of these computations are presented in the form of diagrams. The numerical computations were made on the ODRA-1204 computer.

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