Engineering Transactions, 7, 4, pp. 543-549, 1959

Tarcza Kształtu Półpłaszczyznyn Wpływem Działania Obciążenia Wewnętrznego

F. Szelągowski

Equations are derived enabling the determination of the stresses Xy, Xx, Yy at any point of a semi-infinite plate acted on by two concentrated internal forces parallel to the edge of the plate. This problem is solved in functions of Schwarz's formula complex variables using.
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Copyright © Polish Academy of Sciences & Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN).


G. W. Kolosov, Application of the Complex Variable to the Theory of Elasticity (in Russian), Moskwa 1935.

F. Szelągowski, Zagadnienie płaskie teorii sprężystości w funkcjach zmiennych zespolonych, Arch. Mech. stos., Gdansk 1951.

F. Szelągowski, The Tension with Concentrated Forces of an Infinite Plate with a Rigid Circular Inclusion, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Cl. IV, 4 (1956), 145.