Engineering Transactions, 11, 1, pp. 37-51, 1963

Statyka Rozgałęzionych Przestrzennych Rurociągów Samokompensacyjnych

C. Woźniak
Politechnika Śląska

The state of stress and displacement in a spatial branched pipe line is analysed. Next, a method is proposed for determining the forces and moments due to the influence of temperature and continuous load. This method introduces in the computation procedure of the pipe line iteration methods for equilibrating forces and moments. The method is illustrated by a numerical example.
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Copyright © Polish Academy of Sciences & Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN).


The M. W. Kellogg Company, Design of Piping Systems, New York-London 1957, tłumaczenie rosyjskie.

H. JÜRGENSON, Elastizität und Festigkeit im Rohrleitungsbau, Berlin 1953.

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