Engineering Transactions, 13, 3, pp. 537-544, 1965

O Stosowalności Analogii Sprężystej w Zakresie Nieliniowej Geometrycznie Teorii Pełzania Membran Kołowych

Z. Bychawski


For problems of nonlinear creep with linear geometric relations, an elastic analogue has been given by Hoff. In a study of geometrically nonlinear creep problems Odqvist expressed an opinion elastic analogue cannot find application to such problems, for membranes in particular. The present author shows the existence of an elastic analogue for a geometrically nonlinear circular membrane undergoing creep. The possibility of application of this analogue follows from the fact that the geometrical and time variables can be separated in the membrane equations, The equations expressing the two functions of time can easily be integrated. Those for the functions of the geometrical variable are formally the same as in the clastic problem.

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Copyright © Polish Academy of Sciences & Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN).


N. J. HOFF, Approximate analysis of structures in the presence of moderately large creep deformations, Quart. Appl, Math., 12, 1954.

F.K. G. ODQVIST, Applicability of the Elastic Analogue to Creep Problems. of Plates, Mem- branes and Beams, Creep in Structures, Colloquium Stanford University, 1962.

F.K. G. ODQVIST, Membrane creep of circular plates, Arkiv för Fysik, 16, nr 9, 1959.

F.K. G. ODQVIST, Non-steady membrane creep of circular plates, Arkiv för Fysik, 43, 16 (1960).

Z. BYCHAWSKI, Badanie wyboczenia przy pełzaniu płyt kołowych w zakresie małych i dużych ugięć, Rozpr. Inzyn., 4, 9 (1961).

Z. BYCHAWSKI, Nieliniowe zagadnienia pełzania membran kołowych, Streszczenia referatów Konf. Nauk. ZMOC IPPT PAN w Zakopanem, Warszawa 1964.

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