Engineering Transactions, 14, 4, pp. 571-589, 1966

Wewnętrzne Momenty w Ciałach Stałych i Kontinuum ze Strukturą Wewnętrzną

B. Morandi


This paper is a survey of works published until 1964 about couple-stresses, not considered by the classical theory of elasticity, and the capability of the latter to describe motions connected with the atomistic structure of matter. Since the re-discovery of the French scientists, E. and F. COSSERAT both the problems have been unified in the study of new and more elaborate mathematical models of a continuum with an "internal structure", involving in turn a new accurate survey of fundamental principles of mechanics of continua.
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Literatura cytowana w tekście

M. BORN, K. HUANG, Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices, Oxford 1956.

J. C. MAXWELL, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Oxford 1873 (paragraph 641/3rd ed.).

J. MAC-CULLAGH, Trans. R. Irish Acad. Sci., 21, 17 (1839).

A. E. H. LOVE, Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, 1st ed., Cambridge 1892; Combebiac, M., Bull. Soc. Math. France 30, 108 and 242 (1902); C. Somigliana, Rend. Accad. Lincei 19, 1° sem., 43 (1910).

P. DUHEM, Ann. École Norm. (3) 10, 187 (1893); 21, 99 and 375 (1904); 22, 143 (1905); 23, 169 (1906) «Récherches sur l'élasticité», Paris 1906.

E. and F. COSSERAT, Theorie des corps deformables, Hermann, Paris 1909.

E. HELLINGER, Enzy. d. Math. Wiss. IV, 4,30; K. Heun., Enzy. d. Math. Wiss. IV, 2,11 (1914). M.J. Sudria, Summary, Mém. Sci. Phys. 29, Paris 1935, actually omits the very parts which are of interest here.

J. LAVAL, Rapp. Discuss, IXe Cons. Physique Solvay 273 (1951); Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 232, 1947 (1951) and 238, 1773 (1954); Bull, Soc. Franc. Minéral. Crist. 77, 219 (1954).

C.V. RAMAN and K. S. VISWANATHAN, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. A 42, and A 42, 51 (1955); C. V. RAMAN, and D. KRISHNAMURTI, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. A 42, 111 (1955).

Y. LE CORRE, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 236, 1903 (1953); Bull. Soc. Franc. Minéral. Crist. 76, 464 (1953); 77, 1363 (1954) and 78, 33 (1955); J. Phys. Radium 17. 934 (1956); 19, 541 (1958) and 19, 704 (1958).

J. LAVAL, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 242, 2502 (1956); J. Phys. Radium 18, 247 18, 289; 18, 369 (1957); 19, 509 (1958); 24, 1 (1963).

N. JOEL, W. A. WOOSTER, Nature 180, 430 (1957); 182, 1078 and 1149 (1958); Acta Cryst. 11, 575 (1958); 13, 516 (1960) and 14, 571 (1961).

ZUBOV and FIRSOVA, Kristallografiya 1, (1956); KRISHNAN, CHANDRASEKHARAN and RAJA- GOPAL, Nature 182, 518 (1958); Golden Jubilee Res. Vol. Ind. Inst. Sci., 150 (1959); Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India A 26, 311 (1960).

R. F.S. HEARMON, Advances in Physics 5, 323 (1956).

R. TIFFEN and A. C. STEVENSON, Quart. J. Mech. Appl, Math., 9, 306 (1956).

Mc CLINTOCK, ANDRE, SCHWERDT, STOECKLY, Nature 182, 652, (1958); see BILBY, BULLOUGH and SMITH, Roy. Proc. Soc. A 231, 263 (1955).

P. O. LOEWDIN, Advances in Physics 5, 17, 1 (1956); H.B. Huntington in Seitz and Turnbull, Solid State Physics 7, 213 (1958).

JARFE and SMITH, Phys. Rev. 121, 1604 (1961); Aleksandrov and Ryzhova, Soviet Physics, Crystallography 6, 228 (1961); Soviet Physics Doklady 7, 99 (1962).

S. BODASZEWSKI, Arch. Mech. Stos., 5 (1953), 351.

G. GRIOLI, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., IV, 50 (1960).

A. E. H. LOVE, Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Cambridge 1927 (Appendix B); see here further historical references.

W. PAULI, Relativätstheorie, Enzy. D. Math. Wiss., V. 19 (1921), Paragraph 35, with related bibliography; see also E. HENRIOT, Mém. Sci. Phys., 30, 1-2 (1936).

H. GRAD, Commun. Pure Appl. Math., 5, 4, 455 (1952).

R. A. TOUPIN, J. Rat. Mech. Anal., 5, 6, 849 (1956).

E. S. RAJAGOPAL and R. S. KRISHNAN, Proc. 1st Symp. Solid State Phys. Bangalore 1960; E. S. RAJAGOPAL, Ann. Physik 6, 177; 6, 182; 6, 192 (1960); R.S. KRISHNAN and E. S. RAJA-GOPAL, Ann. Physik 8, 122 (1961).

E. L: AÉRO and B. V. KUVSHINSKI, Soviet Physics, Solid State 2, 1272 (1961); 5, 1892 (1964) (oryginals in the Russian language date back to 1960 and 1963).

J. S. DAHLER, L. B. SCRIVEN, Nature 192, 36 (1961); Proc. Roy Soc. A 275, 1363, 504 (1963).

C.J. TRUESDELL, Rat. Mech. Anal., 1, 125 (1925).

J.L. ERICKSEN and C. TRUESDELL, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 1, 295 (1958).

C. TRUESDELL and R. TOUPIN, The Classical Field Theories, in Handbuch der Physik III/1, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1960.

R.A. TOUPIN, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 11, 5, 385 (1962).

R. D. MINDLIN and H. F. TIERSTEN, Arch., Rat. Mech. Anal., 11, 5, 415 (1962).

R. HAYART, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris 254, 3312 (1962).

R. TOUPIN and D. GAZIS, Proc. Ist Intern. Cong. on Lattice Dynamics Copenhagen 1963.

W. GUENTHER, Abh. Braunschweigische Wiss. Ges. 10, 195 (1958).

E. KROENER, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 4, 4, 273 (1960); see B.A. BILBY, in Sneddon and Hill, Progress in Solid Mechanics 1, 347 (1960).

Literatura podstawowa

E. and F. COSSERAT, Theorie des corps deformables [6].

H. GRAD, Statistical Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics of Systems with an Arbitrary Number of Integrals [23].

R. A. TOUPIN, The Elastic Dielectric [24].

C. TRUESDELL and R. A. TOUPIN, The Classical Field Theories [30]; paragraphs 1-7, 60, 157, 166, 200-207, 231, 232, 240, 241, 253, 292, 293.

E. KROENER, Allgemeine Kontinuumstheorie der Vorsetzungen und Eigenspannungen [36].

R. A. TOUPIN, Elastic Materials with Couple-stresses [31].

R.D. MINDLIN and H. F. TIERSTEN, Effects of couple-stresses in lincar elasticity [32].

J. S. DAHLER and L. E. SCRIVEN, Theory of structured Continus I [27].

R. D. MINDLIN, Microstructure in Linear Elasticy [37]. A. E. GREEN and R.S. RIVLIN, Simple Force and Stress Multipoles [38],

R. A. TOUPIN, Theories of Elasticity with Couple-stress [39].

A. E. GREEN and R. S. RIVLIN, Multipolar Continuum Mechanics [38].