Engineering Transactions, 15, 4, pp. 665-677, 1967

Stateczność Nieliniowych Drgań Wahadła Sprężystego z Ruchomym Punktem Zawieszenia

C. Broniarek
Zakład Teorii Konstrukcji Maszyn Instytutu Podstawowych Problemów Techniki

B. Radziszewski
Zakład Teorii Konstrukcji Maszyn Instytutu Podstawowych Problemów Techniki

The subject-matter of the present considerations is kinematically forced vibration of a pendulum with a concentrated mass attached to an arm made of a material, the rheological properties of which are described by the Voigt model. The motion of the pendulum is described by a set of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients. In a few particular cases this analysis concerns also an indeformable arm. The influence of the parameters describing the physical properties of the arm on the stability regions of the motion is discussed.
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[in Russian]

[in Russian]

F.S. TSE, I.E. MORSE, R.T. HINKLE, Mechanical Vibrations. Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Boston 1963.

[in Russian]