Engineering Transactions, 15, 1, pp. 105-110, 1967

Warstwa Sprężysta pod Działaniem Momentu Skupionego

R. Świtka


The subject of the considerations in the state of displacement and stress in an elastic slab produced by a concentrated moment. The upper boundary plane of the slab is free from load, the lower one being fixed. The concentrated moment acts at any level. The result, obtained by applying the Hankel transformation, is represented in the form of a series satisfying the boundary conditions in an accurate manner.
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H. BATEMAN, Tables of Integral Transforms,

Mc Graw-Hill Book Comp., New York-Toronto-Lon-

don 1954.

И. M. Рыжик, И. С. Градштейн, Таблицы интегралов, сумм, рядов и произведений, Гос. Издат. Технико-Теорет. Лит., Москва-Ленинград 1951.