Engineering Transactions, 18, 2, pp. 185–192, 1970

Drgania Uderzeniowe Prętów

C. Cempel
Politechnika Poznańska

In this paper are examined free impact vibrations of rods. In calculation, perfect elastical percussion of the section of the rod with rigid stop is assumed. Next, by means of the adaptation of the solutions method the dependence of the frequency of free impact vibration on the percussion parameters of the rod is obtained. Further, the displacement and velocity from of vibrations of the rod are given.
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Н. В. Григорев, Нелинейные колебания елемеитов машин и сооружений, МАЩГИЗ, Москва

Cz. CEMPEL, Linearyzacja sił sprężystych w układzie wibrouderzeniowym, Rozpr. Inżyn., 3, 17 (1969).